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Archive for 2013


Posted January 1, 2013 By admin


Cycling along Montana's Madison River.

Cycling along Montana’s Madison River.


January 1, 2013


Happy New Year!! It’s been over two years since I’ve completed my last cross-country bicycle trip. In the interim, I’ve experienced a time of reflection and personal growth. Now, I am ready to embark on a new journey, this time along the “information superhighway”, where I will spin words from my keyboard and log pages on my blog, Cycling Life’s Highway. I can’t think of a better way to start off the New Year!

As I reflect on my eighteen years of touring, I have fond memories of the people, places and experiences along the way. Cycling the back roads of America, have been life changing and have molded and shaped the person that I am today. My time on the road has inspired me to write about my experiences and how they relate to this journey called life.  As I share my  stories, insights and observations, come cycle life’s highway with me.




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