February 18, 2013
Along with cycling I enjoy container gardening. I am a novice but with each new crop, my thumb is greener. Because I live in Florida, I can grow crops year round so I have more opportunities to learn. Yesterday I harvested bounty from my winter garden and was surprised at how well my Little Finger carrots grew. When I pulled them up, I was amazed at their color, size and sweet taste.
Three months ago, I planted carrot seeds into a container (26 inches long x 19 inches wide x 10 inches high.) I had no idea what would grow or if anything would grow. Unlike my lettuce, spinach, and broccoli, I couldn’t watch them grow. I could see the greens growing on top, but had to have faith that the taproot (carrot) was growing in the soil. I didn’t know what they were going to look like until I pulled them out of the ground.
I started thinking about the phrase, “Bloom where you’re planted”. The carrots didn’t have a spacious garden to spread their roots and grow, but still adapted and flourished in my small container. In life, we may find ourselves in circumstances that aren’t to our liking or may be beyond our control. Sometimes we may feel trapped and have no room to grow.
Whatever the situation, instead of letting this bring us down, we should adapt and try our hardest to rise above the situation. Whether it’s in your job, family life, etc. accentuate all that is good and build on that.
Like “The Little Carrot That Could”, rise above with that “can do” attitude and change “I think I can, I think I can” into “I know I can, I know I can.” Look at it as a growing season in your life. Persevere with a positive attitude. You will bloom and grow into an amazing person.